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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Interns & Graduates

A complete digital relocation support experience for your next generation talent.

Support your future leaders will use.

Interns and graduate recruits are the future of your workforce. How you pre-board and onboard them sets the tone for their relationship to your employer brand. Use Benivo to win the moment between saying yes to your offer, moving to start the job and moving through the first 100 days - get an entire support experience for what you pay now to deliver housing stipends (and deliver the housing stipend too.)


Relocate by swiping left and right 

Benivo offers complete digital destination support, customised to international or domestic profiles, to help your interns and grads follow the right steps to relocate, get insights from their peers, track their progress, connect with others who are moving to and share their experiences as they go -- all on their mobile devices where they are used to getting everything else done.


Equal access to opportunity with PayLater

Your recruits should never see relocation as a barrier to pursuing opportunity. However it is the reality for some of your candidates. The problem is you don't know who, and can't have a system where candidates need to raise their hand to ask for help. PayLater solves the problem by giving every recruit access to the money they need to move up to 3 months before their start date. It's a simple, repayable, interest-free cash advance. Benivo provides the money. Your employees relocate, get housing and get settled-in. After they are getting paid, they repay Benivo by instalments. You solve the cash flow gap for your recruits equitably and conveniently while staying on budget. 


Preboarding & Keep Warm Included

Benivo offers built-in preboarding and keep warm strategy support to help your talent team engage between offer-accepted and day-one on the job. Relocating cities is only part of the journey to joining your company. Design content journeys and digital engagement points to build excitement about the journey ahead, deliver gifts to surprise and delight and reinforce the reasons your recruits chose your offer over the competition.  


Social Impact Gifts

The Welcome Gift Experience on Benivo is a powerful welcome and engagement opportunity. You give them a personalised gift to say welcome and celebrate them joining the team. Then you engage them in an act of giving. They select a charitable cause they want to support and Benivo donates on their behalf and if your employees help their colleagues by contributing insights about their move, then we'll double their donation.  



Learn more about Benivo

Save 30-70% on overall costs. Increase employee NPS scores by >50%.


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