Smart Cost Estimates
Do more with data. Be more proactive. Deliver more strategic insights than ever before. Instant, personalised & unlimited #SmartCostEstimates powered by Benivo AI and the Vialto Partners global tax engine.
Benivo + Vialto Partners
#SmartCostEstimates offers you a superior cost estimate solution combining Benivo's platform, AI and analytics with Vialto Partners’ deep global tax expertise, datasets and technology.

Deliver superior accuracy with AI and actual spend data
- Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Applies actual spend data to improve future estimate accuracy
- Real-time estimate to actual tracking
- Automatic alerts when spend thresholds are hit
Find the optimal cost savings scenario
- Significant savings potential
- Powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
- Crunching hundreds of cost estimates to find the absolute best one for your business
- Define variables based on your specific needs to receive the most relevant and actionable recommendations
- Identify and address cost overruns before they become major issues

Maximum flexibility for planning and what if scenarios
- Unlimited calculations
- Unlimited what-if scenarios
- No additional cost
- Instant results
- Support for custom datasets and COLA from any data provider
- Update default taxability of allowances and benefits to reflect company positions.
Expert quality global tax content & support from Vialto
- Tax logic updates by market-leading tax professionals with support on demand
- Domestic and International One-Way Transfers
- Long-Term and Short-Term Assignments
- Hypo-Tax Calculations, Option to apply Tax Treaties and Totalization Agreements, Tax Residency Rule Support and more.

As we invest in transforming the mobility ecosystem to help multinational organizations create better mobility experiences, we appreciate the capabilities of technology disruptors like Benivo to help drive innovation and deliver client success.
We are excited to work together to bring the next generation of global workforce technology solutions to market
— Shawn McGrath, Partner at Vialto Partners

Benivo Changemakers believe that the technology is the answer to the industry needs . Cost Estimates have by far been one of the most tedious tasks that I know of. Smart Cost Estimates save time and energy, minimize the scope of the tasks. Away with Excel, welcome to automation.
— Changemaker, Nikola Radinović
Are Cost Estimates Part of Your Strategy?
If you have found them too complicated, expensive or cumbersome to do - Benivo has changed the game. Cost estimates on Benivo are easy to use, dynamic to your program and included in the cost of a standard Benivo license. Now is the time to reconsider making cost estimates part of your strategy.
What is unique about the tool?
The Benivo platform is an end-to-end mobility solution that contains all global mobility data in one place, including payments, invoicing and expenses for both vendors and employees - this allows for a real time comparison of estimated costs to actual. You no longer need to wait until the end of assignment to find out it was three times more expensive than the estimate - with AI alerts you can identify in real time that costs are reaching the threshold and take action.
In addition it is easy to use, easy to customize, and we do not charge implementation fees ever!
Is there a limit to the number of estimates and what-if scenarios we can run?
No limit - run unlimited cost estimations and what-if scenarios at no additional cost with a Benivo platform license.
How long does an estimate take?
Estimates are instant after you input the relevant information.
How is tax calculated?
Tax calculations are powered by Vialto Partners (formerly PwC) tax logic (Big4)
How can I access this tool?
If you already have a Benivo license, you already have access - there is no additional cost. If you are not a Benivo client please contact us to discuss.