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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech


"Our doctors really value their Red Carpet

experience and love learning about their

new locations before arrival. "


Sianie Morris, Head of Care and Transition,

Remedium Partners


Remedium Partners engaged Benivo to help:

  1.   Deliver a welcome experience via a digital platform

  2.   Scale a fastgrowing business

  3.   Delivering a quality experience across multiple locations

The collaboration between Remedium Partners and Benivo won them first place for Best Partnership in the 2018 Forum for Expatriate Management EMEA awards. 

Read the Case Study

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With Benivo we could reduce a lot of the repetitive tasks done by our team to allow them to do more quality work across more doctors.

David Green, Director & Co-Founder, Remedium Partners

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20% of turnover happens inside 90 days. Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs can help.

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Case Studies

Reducing the burden on HR

How Verizon+Benivo improve delivery of preboarding and arrival experiences.

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