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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

The pandemic significantly impacted domestic relocation in the U.S. but in spite of this, some fundamentals have not changed and the opportunities for improvement are clear.

Read Benivo's 2021 Benchmark Report to get the insights from one-on-one confidential interviews with HR and Mobility leaders at over 20 companies running U.S. domestic programs. You'll get a benchmark on packages being offered, insights on how the programs are managed and being adjusted to new norms, and what technology is in use. Finally, if you are managing a domestic relocation program in U.S. you'll learn how about how to embrace a consumer mindset to benefit your employees. Get the report now and sign up for the Benivo Bites Panel discussion on Domestic Relocation in the U.S. on Wednesday March 17th at 12pm EST / 4pm GMT.

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