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How to request new office locations


The Benivo employee experience is tailored to your office addresses and employees are invited to the platform to a specific workplace location.

In the reports section of your Benivo Management Platform you have a report called 'View or request workplace addresses'. This report has two tabs:

  1. Workplace addresses - listing the office addresses already set up and how they are named in Benivo.
  2. Request a new workplace - a form where new office addresses can be requested.
Requesting a new office address
To request an office address, simply complete the form on the Request a new workplace tab of the report. We collect your email address so we can inform you when the address has been set up and is ready to invite to.
  • New office addresses typically take around a week to create. The Benivo team will be in contact to let you know when it will be ready, or if there is any reason why the request may take longer than a week.
  • When selecting a 'Workplace name', we recommend checking the Workplace addresses tab to keep the naming convention consistent.
Last updated: 25th January 2022