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Benivo Blog

5 great reasons to support the welcome experience for early careers hires

Moving house, starting a job, and having a baby are three of the most stressful events in a person’s life. After doing all three more than once, I identify with that truth. But what I also learned is that going through these events for the second and third time is much less stressful. Timing and type of support determines everything when you want to help improve someones experience during a stressful time.

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How to Prevent Employees From Reneging on a Signed Offer and Pulling No-Shows

What a soul-crushing drag it is when a new employee reneges on their work contract.

All the time that went into finding and interviewing a candidate, declining others - and then nada. Some bland excuse. Or not even that. Just an empty chair and your twiddling thumbs on the big day.

But there's things you can do to prevent this. Or at least be better prepared.

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Should you set up your Customer Contact Centre in Ireland?

Why are so many people in contact centres based in Ireland?

One day, as I was skimming LinkedIn, I counted 5 contacts who recently started working in one or another customer support function in Dublin.

Of course, there is the low tax rate and there's a lot of immigration - but are there other ingredients that make the Irish so good at customer service?

We wanted to find out.

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Seven Ways to Support New Hires Financially

Junior employees and other new hires have to spend a lot on accommodation when they relocate - deposit and first month’s rent are due well before their first paycheck arrives. This can be a stressful experience.

Other than just paying them a bonus, there are seven effective ways you can financially support them in their first few cash-strapped months and show that you care. 

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Five Culture Shocks Indian Engineers Have in the UK - and How You Can Help

Culture shocks are the price for setting foot on our small island. Some of them result in benign anecdotes, others lead to serious misunderstandings in the workplace.

Here’s how HR and Global Mobility teams can help prevent the biggest difficulties for Indian Engineers relocating to the UK.

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