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Benivo Blog

Our Book: Attracting and Retaining Top Talent in Times of Brexit

I'm very proud to announce that Benivo have published a thought leadership book called Attracting and Retaining Top Talent In Times of Brexit, with hands-on and best practice advice from 28 thought leaders across HR, Recruitment, and Global Mobility. We are giving away the first 250 copies for FREE- register here (free shipping, worldwide included).

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4 Lessons that Global Mobility can learn from the Low Cost Airlines revolution

The Global Mobility and Relocation market is in the same position as the airline industry was in the 1970’s, before the revolution of Low Cost Airlines Carriers or, as they are more widely known, Low Cost Airlines (LCAs). The introduction of low cost airlines changed the aviation industry forever; there’s no going back, and it’s impossible to imagine the aviation industry without them.

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Employee Experience Engineering - a systematic approach to building your Employer Brand

We are launching a series of white papers on the topic of Employee Experience.

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The True Cost of a Poor Relocation Experience - $8k wasted and 33% Brand Value Lost

In conjunction with the London Business School community, we at Benivo have conducted 30 interviews with IT Engineers who relocated from India to Europe on temporary assignments.

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Britain Needs Talent

With more companies reporting a drop in EU applications for graduate, multilingual, and tech positions as a result of Brexit, it becomes clear that Britain should take a number of immediate steps to ensure Britain’s got talent.

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