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Immigration Update: Navigating the UK's New Labour Government Policies

In a significant political shift, the UK's Labour Party has returned to power for the first time in 14 years. This change heralds a new era of immigration policies and regulations, as the government moves swiftly to implement its long-awaited agenda. Shuyeb Muquit from Fragomen recently provided an insightful update on The View From The Top that focused on the Labour government's early actions and the implications for global mobility.

A Fast Start for the New Government

The Labour government has wasted no time in enacting changes, driven by a pent-up desire to implement policies that have been on hold during their time out of power. Despite securing only 33% of the popular vote, Labour's significant majority in Parliament has given them a strong mandate to push forward their agenda. However, they remain mindful of the substantial opposition, including the Conservative Party, Liberal Democrats, and the emerging Reform Party, which focuses heavily on immigration issues.

Key Areas of Policy Continuity and Change

Net Migration

Net migration remains a central focus of the new government. The previous Conservative administration implemented strict measures, including higher salary thresholds and restrictions on dependents, to curb post-Brexit immigration. While the Labour government also aims to reduce net migration, their approach differs. They are not fixated on absolute numbers but rather on the quality and economic needs of the UK. This indicates a more flexible and needs-based immigration strategy, aligning with their overarching goal of promoting economic growth.

Irregular Migration

One of the most notable changes is the Labour government's stance on irregular migration. The Conservative policy of returning migrants to Rwanda is being dismantled, replaced with a strategy targeting criminal gangs involved in human trafficking. New legislation is being introduced to withdraw the Rwanda policy, and efforts are underway to strengthen border command and enhance cooperation with European countries on migrant returns. This shift underscores Labour's commitment to addressing the root causes of irregular migration while fostering closer alignment with the European Union.

EU Relations

Brexit significantly altered the UK's relationship with the EU, and the new Labour government seeks to recalibrate this relationship. While Prime Minister Keir Starmer has shifted his stance over time, his current focus is on improving alignment with the EU. Early diplomatic efforts by Foreign Secretary David Lammy to engage with European partners signal a renewed emphasis on collaboration and rebuilding ties, which could lead to more seamless mobility and immigration processes between the UK and EU countries.

Systemic Tinkering and Skill Development

Labour's agenda includes reviewing and potentially adjusting existing immigration policies, such as salary thresholds and dependent restrictions. A significant development is the creation of Skills England, an organization designed to address labor market shortages by connecting businesses, unions, and regional bodies. This initiative aims to reduce the demand for foreign labor by better utilizing domestic talent, thus aligning immigration policies with the country's economic needs.


The return of the Labour government marks a period of dynamic change in the UK's immigration landscape. While some policies reflect continuity with the previous administration, there is a clear shift towards a more pragmatic and economically driven approach. By focusing on quality over quantity in net migration, dismantling contentious policies on irregular migration, fostering closer EU relations, and addressing systemic labor market issues, Labour aims to create a more balanced and responsive immigration system.

As these policies unfold, global mobility professionals must stay informed and adapt to the evolving regulatory environment. The coming months will undoubtedly bring further developments, shaping the future of immigration and mobility in the UK.

Tune in to The View From The Top for more updates as Fragomen continue to monitor and analyze the impact of the UK's new Labour government on global mobility and immigration.

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Michelle Curran
Created on 31-7-2024