Benivo Blog

Global Talent Mobility: Making the Dream a Reality

Written by Michelle Curran | 17.05.2024

At many organizations, global mobility has historically been viewed as just dealing with visas, taxes, and operational compliance. However, leading companies are now recognizing the strategic value that mobility can provide by enabling the acquisition, development, deployment, and retention of global talent.

On our most recent episode of The View from the Top webcast, Ezeibe Agomo, Head of Global Mobility at Equinix, and Magdalena Jennings, EMEA Global Mobility Business Partner, discussed how they are aligning global mobility into Equinix's talent strategy to drive business objectives.

Elevating Global Mobility's Strategic Role

At Equinix, global mobility is collaborating closely with the Talent organization, with a mission to enable global talent mobility across acquiring, developing, deploying, and retaining talent worldwide. As Agomo stated, "We are co-building together with Talent, how we can add the most value, aligned with the direction of the business."
Embedding mobility experts as mobility business partners allows them to understand talent needs, propose solutions proactively, and develop products that demonstrate value-add to stakeholders. Consistent communication and building coalitions with leadership were critical to elevating mobility's strategic role, one conversation at a time. It is critically important that Global Mobility is able to offer new solutions and products and that it evolves alongside the business it supports.

Rotational Programs as a Talent Development Tool

One key initiative Equinix has piloted is rotational programs ranging from one week up to 12 months depending on business needs. These programs expose participants to new perspectives, build enterprise mindsets, create knowledge share opportunities and aid retention. By starting with modest pilots and measuring success metrics through data analytics such as applicant diversity and participant feedback, the project team was able to gain buy-in and turn one of the pilots into an established talent development product.  As Jennings explained,"The data gave us the confidence that this program really works, and we've now adopted it as an ongoing product."

Based on the experience with the pilots, Global Mobility and Talent have developed a rotational programs toolkit that can support other teams who wish to utilize the rotational programs product.

Making the Talent Mobility Dream Real

The path to making global talent mobility a reality requires patience, perseverance, and continually reinforcing the value global mobility adds to the business. As Agomo advised, "Sometimes you have to go slow to go fast...Take your time and help stakeholders understand why this is so critical.
By breaking down silos, building strong partnerships with talent teams, listening to business needs, and designing programs that clearly benefit the enterprise, global mobility leaders can elevate the function from an operational service provider to a strategic talent enabler and make the dream of global talent mobility an achievable reality.

You can watch the complete discussion here.  Don't forget to register for our upcoming The View From The Top show on How to Measure ROI in Global Mobility.