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European Elections and French Politics: Implications for Global Mobility

Written by Michelle Curran | 21.06.2024

Recent political developments in Europe, particularly the European Parliament elections and the upcoming snap election in France, have potential implications for global mobility and immigration policies.

European Parliament Elections

The recent European Parliament elections saw significant gains for far-right parties, while centrist groups maintained their majority. This shift could impact EU-wide policies, especially regarding:

  1. Border security: Expect increased focus on tightening controls.
  2. Immigration restrictions: Policies may become more restrictive overall.

However, it's important to note that business immigration is likely to remain relatively stable. The EU Talent Pool initiative, aimed at aligning business immigration policies across member states, is expected to continue despite the political shifts.

French Snap Election

In response to far-right gains in the European elections, French President Emmanuel Macron has called for a snap election on June 30 and July 7. Key points to consider:

  1. Macron will remain President until 2027, regardless of the election outcome.
  2. The majority party will determine the Prime Minister, potentially leading to:
    • Status quo if Macron's party wins
    • A far-right PM focused on reduced migration and EU skepticism
    • A left-wing PM advocating for increased immigration and social support

Immigration is a major concern for French voters, along with issues like pension reform and EU relations. However, talent attraction initiatives are expected to remain relatively protected, regardless of the election results.

Impact on Global Mobility

While political shifts in Europe may create uncertainty, businesses should note:

  1. Business immigration policies are likely to remain stable in the short term.
  2. Increased focus on border security may impact some mobility processes.
  3. The EU Talent Pool initiative could streamline business immigration across member states in the future.

As always, global mobility professionals should stay informed about political developments and be prepared to adapt to potential policy changes. Despite the evolving landscape, Europe, and France in particular, remain an important destination for international business and talent attraction.

Thank you to Frangomen's Immigration expert Julia Onslow-Cole for this update as featured on The View From The Top.  You can access the complete discussion here.

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