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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Benivo Blog

Michelle Curran

Head of Marketing, Benivo

Recent Posts

Digitization - Reducing Layers and Handovers

We’ve all learnt important lessons during the pandemic. Key among them is the importance of digitization. Digital transformation is a critical program infrastructure requirement and no longer a nice to have.

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How Benivo technology is radically changing global mobility at Wayfair

Nicole Milman, Head of Global Mobility at Wayfair, joined us on Benivo Bites to discuss how Benivo technology has radically changed how her team manages global mobility at Wayfair and unlocks the value of data, which was not available before. 

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Supply Chain Cybersecurity in Global Mobility

Benivo's latest  benchmark report analyzes the status of Supply Chain Cybersecurity in Global Mobility and provides important insights into key areas of concern, as well as available solutions.
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Technology in global mobility is the key to doing more with less

AIRINC just released their 2022 Annual Mobility Outlook Survey. The report states that

Complimenting Mobility’s strategic directives for 2022 are efforts to improve program efficiency in preparation for the anticipated increase in moves this year.”

The majority of participating companies in the survey hope to gain efficiency through technology. In fact 70% said using new or enhanced technology will allow them to administer mobility programs more effectively.

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Benivo: Supporting your employees impacted by the war in Ukraine

With many employees impacted by the war in Ukraine, Benivo is offering free use of our technology solutions to support companies, whether a Benivo client or not, to provide instant fund transfers to anyone in need of help!

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