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New Blueprint for Global Mobility: Relocation Services + Mobility Tech

Benivo Blog

Beth Neilson

Beth has over 15 years experience in Mobility in tax, technology and client relations. Beth now leads Client Development, EMEA at Benivo
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Recent Posts

Unpacking the ROI of Global Mobility Programs

Measuring the return on investment (ROI) for global mobility programs is a perennial challenge, but an important one. Leaders want to see the business impact and value created by relocating employees internationally. But calculating ROI for mobility involves many variables that can be difficult to quantify.

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Remote Work Benchmark Report: Updated August 2022

Remote Work is the hottest topic in Global Mobility today. Countless CEOs have come out either strongly in favour of Remote Work or strongly opposed. But what is the market actually doing, and how are the lived experiences of mobility professionals?

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Benchmark: APAC Global Mobility Policies

Given regional differences in Global Mobility Policies, we invite you to participate in a benchmark focused on the APAC region.  By participating in this survey, you will receive a complimentary copy of the report along with a free policy consultation to discuss how your current policies compare to other companies in the region.

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Remote Work: The latest benchmark report, and thoughts from Wayfair and Westinghouse Electric Company

Remote Work is the hottest topic in Global Mobility today. Countless CEOs have come out either strongly in favour of Remote Work or strongly opposed. But what is the market actually doing, and how are the lived experiences of mobility professionals?

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[Updated post] How will the SIRVA and BGRS announcement impact the global mobility industry?

In an announcement that has shocked some in the industry, SIRVA and BGRS have announced their intention to merge. Together they will be the clear market leader by revenues and staff numbers. With similar mergers taking place in recent years including MI Group and Weichert, Teams and SIRVA and the now infamous failed deal between SIRVA and Cartus this signals a clear current trend in the industry.

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