Benivo Blog

A New Blueprint for Global Mobility

Written by Nitzan Yudan | 09.07.2024

At Benivo, we've been listening to our customers' challenges — too many layers, lack of transparency, reactive approach, and the desire to be mobility experts, not IT experts. That's why we've developed a new blueprint called Relocation Services + Mobility Tech.

Relocation Services

Experience a streamlined relocation process with:

  • High-touch support from top-tier relocation consultants (from the Big 4)
  • Global supply partner network for all relocation services
  • Dedicated VIP program
  • Automated payment processing and compensation accumulation
  • Support for any policy type

And superpowers to deliver a "wow" experience:
  • Reduced layers and providers for employees to engage with
  • Consultants empowered with technology to focus on value-added services
  • Digital solution with an Amazon-like experience or 24/7 consultant availability
  • Automated payments and proactive issue resolution

Mobility Tech

Be a mobility expert, not an IT expert, with:

  • System of records, dashboards, reports, and document management
  • Workflows, cost estimates (unlimited), and payroll reporting
  • API & integrations to connect your ecosystem
  • Client-vendor management for tax, immigration, and relocation
  • Project Mobility

One Platform
One platform for mobility managers, employees, and service providers that transitions the process from reactive to proactive using data and AI, with real-time visibility, transparency, and reduced layers.

And superpowers to deliver a wow experience:

  • Agile solution so your mobility team do not need to become IT experts - they can focus on more strategic work
  • Automation of manual tasks for strategic work
  • Data-driven insights and ROI quantification from Client Insights experts

Get Relocation Services + Mobility Tech for the best of both worlds, reducing layers and saving costs with one Benivo license. No implementation fee, so you can transform your program and career without requesting a budget.

Learn more and watch a deep dive into this new blueprint for Global Mobility

Contact us to schedule a consultation call and learn more about what Benivo can do for you.